We are looking for reinforcement
Currently, more than 120 employees work for Schlimgen Logistics Solutions GmbH, some of us for more than 25years . Which we are very proud of. We are people with different characters.
We combine different professional experiences and that makes us a strong team!
Job offers at Schlimgen Logistics Solutions
Step into future with Schlimgen and work together with us on our company’s success.Currently we have to offer the following Career Opportunities/positions:

Professional diver in airfreight transport

Professional driver in long distance traffic

Forwarding agent in airfreight handling

Skilled employee for warehousing
Please send us your documents by e-mail to
ATTENTION: We expressly point out that we do NOT return application files submitted by POST. Please do not send us photos or documents in the original! We process your personal data DGSVO compliant exclusively for filling open positions. After completing the application phase, we will keep your application documents for 5 months – after this, e-mail applications will be deleted and written applications destroyed.
Do something different… Schlimgen trains in the following professions
KAUFMANN/KAUFFRAU for freight forwarding and logistics services:
Forwarding agents from the backbone oft the logistics industry. There is hardly no other training occupation; which will challenge you in many different ways (communication, technology, organization). From early on you will do many things independently. This includes for example truck scheduling and customs clearance.
Specialist for warehouse logistics:
As a warehouse logistic specialist, you are responsible for the punctual and correct flow of goods within logistics. It goes without saying that good organisational skills and business thinking is required.
Professional Drivers
„On the move „used to be the name of truck drivers. Today there is much more to life on the highway: technology, customer care, customs, safety, and, and, and
Further apprenticeships at Schlimgen Logistics Solutions.
Other apprenticeships that we offer as a warehouseman, business administration clerk and a bachelor’s degree in logistics management (cooperation partner of the EUFH).
For many years, we have been a very successful training company with the objective to employee the successful trainees after the apprenticeship and enable them to start a career in our company. If you are interested or need more information? Then you can contact us at
Here is some general information about the different logistics professions that may help your decision. | | | | | | |
Please send us your application by E-Mail to
Attention: We point out that we DO NOT send back application files submitted by Post. Please do not send us original documents! We process your personal data complying to DGSVO complaint exclusively for filling vacancies. After completing the application phase, we will keep your application documents for 5 months.
After this Email and written applications will be deleted.